Fix og redesign av nettside
Det var litt problemer med BioSil-nettsiden og den hadde et behov for redesign. Dittdesign [...]
Finninfo-systemet er under utvikling
Dittdesign har utviklet en informasjons-plattform for bedrifter der man kan legge inn informasjon som [...]
Nettside for Skaiti Fjellcamp
Skaiti Fjellcamp har fått nettside. Nettsiden kan du se her.
Vi har utviklet nettavisen for kunde. Her kan du lese hundrevis av spennende artikler. [...]
Nettside for SStech
Vi har utviklet en en-siders nettside for SStech AS. Nettsiden kan du se her. [...]
Nettside for Fauske Glass
Fauske Glass har fått ny nettside. Takk for oppdraget! Nettsiden kan du se her. [...]
Innvilget patent
Vi har sammen med vår samarbeidspartner Rescue Consult, fått innvilget patent på vårt sikkerhetssystem som [...]
Diagram/flowchart for kunde
Før man setter i gang med å utvikle apper eller system er det viktig å [...]
2 nye apper på vei
Vi har skrevet under kontrakter på to apper som kommer ut til sommeren. Dette er [...]
Ny app: 10/20 bágo
Applikasjon for Sametinget til iOS og Android der barnet (eller en voksen) kan høre forskjellige [...]
Appen Saemesth!
Vi har utviklet en lommeparlør-app for Sametinget. Denne parløren er ment som en hyggelig invitasjon [...]
Vi har gitt ut appene Sánit for kunde
Vi har gitt ut 4 apper på nordsamisk for kunde. Appene har fått navnene Sánit [...]
Ny app på vei
Vi har fått innvilget tilskudd fra Sametinget og Nordland Fylkeskommune til å utvikle en app [...]
Vedlikeholdssystem for boligbyggelag
Vi har utviklet et web-basert vedlikeholdssystem for et boligbyggelag. Her kan kunden registrere vedlikehold som [...]
Latest News!
Lots to do lately so the updates on the website have been postponed. Dittdesign got [...]
Pågående prosjekt
Dittdesign holder på med mange spennende oppdrag for kunder og enkelte egne prosjekt. Det kan [...]
Ongoing Projects
Dittdesign has many exciting assignments for customers and individual projects. There can not be said [...]
Troll Olav
Troll Olav kom ut for mange år siden, men behøvde en remake. Dittdesign fikk oppdraget [...]
Troll Olav app
Troll Olav was released many years ago, but needed a remake. Dittdesign got the assignment [...]
Dittdesign får en lærling
16. august skal en lærling begynne å jobbe i Dittdesign. Lærlingen er et unikt talent [...]
Dittdesign gets an apprentice
August 16, an apprentice will start working in Dittdesign. The apprentice is a unique talent [...]
This dusty old game
Et skyte-på-blink spill med gammeldags stil på både design og effekter (gammel film effekt). [...]
app: This dusty old game
A shooting gallery game with old-fashioned style on both design and effects (old movie effect). [...]
Design av annonser
Dittdesign designet annonser for nettbutikken Annonsene ble benyttet på Facebook og Instagram. Dittdesign stod [...]
Ad design
Dittdesign designed ads for the online store The ads were used on Facebook and [...]
Design av logo
Dittdesign designet en enkel font-logo på svart bakgrunn for nettbutikken Enkel og stilren. [...]
Logo design
Dittdesign designed a simple font logo on black background for the web shop Simple [...]
Utviklet nettbutikk
Dittdesign kan også utvikle nettsider for kunder. Nettbutikken ble utviklet ved å benytte Wordpress [...]
Webshop developed
Dittdesign can also develop web pages for customers. The online store was developed using [...]
Utviklet nettside
Dittdesign har redesignet nettsiden sin ved å bruke Wordpress. Vi benytter Wordpress når vi utvikler [...]
Redesigned website
Dittdesign has redesigned its website using Wordpress. We use Wordpress when we develop web pages. [...]
About us develops apps for multiple platforms using Corona SDK. We have developed apps since 2012 and have expertise in programming, animation, photo editing, graphic design, etc.
We work with freelancers from around the world so if you’re missing something for your app, we’ll be able to fix it.
Why choose us?
Why choose U.S?
We have broad expertise in all aspects of app development. Our main focus is on design and user experience.
Whether you want to create a game, an interactive photo book, an app for your business or something else, we know what design gives the best user experience.
Please contact us to find out how we can help you.
We develop apps for:
- iOS (iPad and iPhone)
- Android
- Windows Phone 8
- Kindle
- Apple TV
- Android TV
- Mac
- Windows
A small selection
How much does it cost to develop an app?
Providing a concrete answer to this is not easy without knowing more about the project. It’s like asking the question; how far is a lace? The price will increase with the content and how complex the app is. How much preparation you have done yourself will also make the project more affordable. Contact us and describe your project to get an estimated price.
How can I reduce the price?
Make a plan! This is the most important point that will cut costs. If you come up with an app idea written on a napkin without any plans, we will offer a quote that estimates time spent and adds unforeseen items since the project is poorly planned. If you come with a project that is well planned, it will be easier to give you a real price offer. It’s important to involve as many people as possible in the planning phase so that you can get feedback and make changes before the app is programmed. Making changes when the project is in progress can be expensive.
Cut down on the content. Find the app’s essence and evaluate if it’s sufficient. Also consider whether the app can be made easier. Instead of the app preparing the food automatically, it’s cheaper if the app just shows how to cook the food. When the app becomes a success, you can add as much as you want afterwards.
Ask friends and family. Do you know, for example, an illustrator / designer or someone who has a sound studio?
Develop the app yourself. This will save you money, but it takes a long time to learn to program. Programming often gives a great sense of mastering and is comparable to Sudoku or crosswords. It is a great advantage if you like mathematics (especially algebra) and it is a prerequisite that you are patient and you do not give up easily.

About Dittdesign
DittDesign is a company that develops applications / apps for Android, iPhone, iPad, other smartphones and tablets, apple watch, apple tv and more. DittDesign attaches great importance to the design and ease of use of the apps.
DittDesign started in 2012 and today has a world-wide freelance network with designers, programmers, illustrators, audio engineers, music producers, translators, readers, and more.
Our Visions and Values
Everyone who wants to publish an app should be able to do it without big challenges and at a reasonable price without compromising user experience and design.
DittDesign will be the foremost developer of applications in minority languages. DittDesign has today developed 7 Sami apps under their own name or customer name. Several are under development.
DittDesign should be a driving force for releases of apps where ethics, morals and healthy values are central.
DittDesign will eventually employ more freelancers in Norway and the world and become an important resource for individuals, publishers, businesses, kindergartens and schools.
DittDesign should have a serious approach to all app missions, but be open to play and have fun to get the best out of the app.
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